Introducing the charm of miniature paintings drawn with transparent watercolor.
Are you wondering what to do with your extra time? Therefore, I recommend watercolor painting. A watercolor painting that I drew when I was in elementary school. I haven’t held a brush in a long time, so I’m not confident. It seems that there are many people who think so and are confused. The appeal of miniature painting is not that you are good at it, but that you can immerse yourself in your own world.
Have fun with miniature paintings
Remember, when you were in elementary school, everyone drew freely and without hesitation. Let’s regain that fresh sense of fulfillment. Trying to “get better” will put pressure on you, so try to approach it as if you were an elementary school student again. The advantage of watercolor painting is that it is inexpensive and you can work on it whenever you want. If you want to start watercolor painting, we recommend the “miniature painting” on this site. Transparent watercolors can be layered. This allows you to pursue things that are close to the real thing, and you can draw pictures with a realistic touch that will impress everyone. Transparent watercolors are profound, so they are much different from the paintings you did in elementary school, so please enjoy your time as an adult.
This site introduces a learning method for learning miniature painting through videos. For such people, you can learn how to use watercolor paints and watercolor brushes by watching this YouTube video. Here, you can learn the basics of miniature painting and learn tips for drawing realistically. If you are a beginner, learning the basics of watercolor painting first will help you finish and improve faster. The basic knowledge, which is often unknown, may vary slightly depending on the instructor, but miniature painting techniques are techniques for realistically drawing objects, so I think this class is perfect for those who are interested in detailed work. Please try your hand at creating miniature paintings with a delicate and realistic touch.
Drawing has the following advantages.
Painting watercolors is also recommended for maintaining your mental and physical health.
Good practice:
People tend to think that watercolor painting does not allow you to draw each stroke freely, but it is actually a great way to practice drawing fine details. You will learn techniques such as how to use brushes and use colors to get closer to the image you want to draw.
Calm down:
Painting watercolors requires concentration, but that concentration has a calming effect on yourself. Painting watercolors can sometimes be a great way to relieve stress.
Inspire creativity:
Painting watercolors can stimulate your creativity. By giving shape to the image you want to draw, you can improve your creativity by increasing your ability to come up with ideas.
Has a healing effect:
Watercolor paintings are rich in color and have a soothing effect on the viewer’s heart. Also, drawing can be expected to have a healing effect because you can calm yourself down.
What is miniature painting?
A miniature painting is a painting that is drawn with great precision down to the smallest detail. Miniature paintings are created by carefully drawing fine lines and patterns using tools such as brushes and pencils to create detailed depictions. Miniature paintings are divided into various genres, such as landscape paintings, portrait paintings, animal paintings, botanical paintings, and architectural paintings. Miniature paintings have been used in religious and historical paintings since ancient times, but in recent years they have become associated with art trends such as realism and hyperrealism, and have begun to attract attention in contemporary art. Miniature painting is considered to be one of the art fields that requires precise technique and patience as it takes time to create the work.
How to draw miniature paintings with transparent watercolors
To paint a miniature painting with transparent watercolors, the first step is to carefully observe the object. I mix paints that are similar to those colors and transfer them to my hands, then look at the image drawn on paper from various angles and make corrections.
As you draw many times, you will discover more ways to see things. To do this, it is important to be conscious and particular about drawing.
・Look at a famous painting and try drawing it with this composition.
・Besides the composition, I am very particular about the bird’s expression.
・Draw more realistically than anyone else.
・You can’t beat it in terms of detail.
Even if you look at miniature paintings done by hobbyists, there are so many watercolor paintings that you can mistake them for being done by professionals. I believe that these people have been able to draw steadily, step by step, while doing a lot of research.
The first step to painting miniatures
It is easy to explain how to draw miniature paintings in words, but in reality, it is a process of trial and error, so it takes a lot of time if you are not used to it. For beginners, even if you try to teach yourself miniature painting, you will reach a certain limit. If you really want to aim for the top, learning techniques from a professional teacher is the shortest way. However, art classes at schools such as ○○ are expensive, so I don’t think they are suitable for drawing miniature paintings as a hobby. Keep costs low and have fun drawing.

Nowadays, many techniques for miniature painting are introduced online by professionals, so you can learn miniature painting techniques by watching online videos. If you imitate the techniques of professionals, you will end up with a similar picture. The next step is to take on the challenge. The miniature paintings on this site do not depict things that large. It takes a lot of time because I draw while watching the video. However, once you get used to it, you can finish it quickly. Have fun learning how to mix colors and how to use brushes. I believe this experience will serve as an opportunity for me to hone my own skills in the future.
How to arrange transparent watercolor tools

A round watercolor brush is a brush with rounded bristles. The rounded tips of the bristles allow you to draw wide lines and curves, making them suitable for drawing natural curves and circular shapes. A round brush is one of the brushes often used when painting watercolors, and is mainly used when painting large areas or expressing soft colors. It can also be used to draw fine details. Round brushes come in a variety of sizes, and you can choose from large to small to suit your needs. Additionally, the application quality varies depending on the hardness of the bristles and the type of bristles (natural bristles, synthetic bristles, etc.), so it is important to choose a round brush that suits your preferences and purpose of use.

000-0-1号の3本 毛先の長さは4mm~6mm
3 No. 000-0-1, hair tip length is 4mm to 6mm

It is made from the beginning in a shape that uses a flat type. The tips are easy to use and are perfect for finishing the background. No. 14 will be used for the background.
What kind of paint should I choose for miniature paintings using transparent watercolors?
Transparent watercolors refer to watercolors that are created by mixing water and paint, and are particularly transparent. Transparent watercolor paint is made by dissolving pigments in water, and allows you to adjust the depth and brightness of the color.
By using transparent watercolors, you can create a natural sense of transparency. Also, since transparent watercolor paints become lighter when they dry, you can gradually deepen the color by layering them. Therefore, you can adjust the shading of colors and express deep textures.
Transparent watercolor paints are easy to use and repaint because they dissolve in water. Also, by using a variety of paints, you can create color gradations and mix colors. Transparent watercolor paint is one of the basic paints for watercolor painting, and is loved by many watercolor artists.

There are various products available depending on the manufacturer, such as Pentel and Sakura. Different types of transparent watercolor paints are used depending on the technique used to create miniature paintings.

今回使用するのは、ウィンザー&ニュートンの透明水彩絵具を使用します。ウィンザー&ニュートンは世界で最も大きな画材メーカーで、世界中 のアーティストたちから愛され続けています。
This time I will be using Winsor & Newton’s transparent watercolor paints. Winsor & Newton is the world’s largest art supplies manufacturer and continues to be loved by artists around the world.
What palette do you recommend for miniature painting?

The recommended palette for miniature painting for beginners is a large ceramic palette.

Advantages of pottery If you use a plastic palette, the paint will bounce and you won’t be able to see the exact color. However, since transparent watercolor paint is spread over the entire surface of ceramics, it is possible to check the exact color tone.
Choose fine grain paper for watercolor paper for miniature paintings.

Watercolor paper is paper suitable for coloring with watercolors. It is classified as fine, medium, and coarse. The painting technique changes depending on the type of watercolor paper. In particular, some items made by European art supply manufacturers are quite expensive but have long been used by brands. Not suitable for practice. I’ll practice it many times, so I think it’s fine if I take it seriously…
Fine-grained paper is highly water-absorbent, doesn’t bend easily, and has beautiful shading, making it the most suitable watercolor paper for miniature paintings.
Fine paper refers to paper with very fine grain. It is mainly used for works in which fine lines are drawn with a brush, such as watercolors and ink paintings.
Fine paper has thin and densely packed fibers, making it difficult for ink and watercolor paint to bleed, and allowing smooth lines to be drawn. Also, because it has fine eyes, you can draw fine lines and create delicate expressions.
There are various types of fine paper, each with different thickness and fineness. It is important to choose the appropriate fine-grained paper depending on the intended use and style of the work.
However, because fine-grained paper has a fine grain, it dries slowly, so it may take some time for your work to dry. Also, since it tends to fuzz, you need to be careful when erasing with an eraser or using correction fluid.
transparent watercolor masking ink

To use masking ink, apply it to the area you want to whiten out on the screen and let it dry. The method is to draw on that area in the same way as the other areas, and once the paint has dried, remove the masking ink.
However, this technique of miniature painting does not use it at all. However, since you are not used to it at first, you will only use it so that the color does not protrude from the outline of the exterior. Once you get used to it, you won’t need to use it anymore. If you use it too much, the whole image will be ruined.
Masking ink can be applied with a brush, but it is troublesome to clean it afterwards, such as washing the brush with masking ink cleaner immediately after use.
Bird quill pen, bamboo pen, metal pen (used for calligraphy, etc.).
About transparent watercolor painting

Mizuhari, a transparent watercolor paper, is a special type of paper used for drawing watercolors. By applying water to the surface of the paper before use, you can adjust the amount of paint applied and the mixture of colors. can.
In watercolor painting, paint is mixed with water, so watery paint can penetrate the paper and spread. Therefore, by filling with water, you can allow moisture to penetrate into the surface of the paper and adjust the way the paint is applied and the way the colors mix.
When applying water, moisten transparent watercolor paper with water to create a film on the surface, and then paint on top of it.
At this time, if the watercolor paper is too wet, the paint may smear, so it is important to keep it just the right amount of moisture. In addition, mizuhari is an important element for expressing colors softly and naturally, and is one of the essential techniques for bringing out the charm of watercolor paintings.