How to Paint a Cherry blossom with Watercolors/
ここに掲載されている透明水彩画は、Anna Masonのオンラインスクールが提供する写真を使用して制作された細密画です。Miniature painting.The aquarelle placed here is an image produced with the photograph which an online school of Anna Mason provides.
Cherry blossom watercolor painting for beginners
ソロチュートリアルは、ビデオデモなしでペイントに移行するのに役立ちます。 詳細については、こちらをご覧ください。
Solo tutorials help you transition to painting without video demos. Read more about them here.
Painting cherry blossoms in miniature
桜の花は最も壮観で、ディテールに満ちた生き生きとした構図になっています。関連するスケッチブックチュートリアルで紹介するテクニックに加えて、すべてのブルームをバランスよく見せるには、絵画全体の色調評価と判断をたくさん行う必要があります。 anna
水彩画の筆は 000・0・1・3号を使用しました。
水彩紙は 細目を使用しました。
The cherry blossoms are the most spectacular and have a lively composition full of details. In addition to the techniques presented in the related sketchbook tutorials, a lot of tonal evaluation and judgment of the entire painting is required to make all the blooms look balanced. anna
The watercolor brush used his 000, 0, 1, and 3.
I used fine details for the watercolor paper.
I used B as the pencil for watercolor painting. Siena
Cobalt violet
Pain’s Gray
Permanent Sap Green
Transparent orange
Windsor Lemon
Cherry blossoms watercolor sketch
桜の花 水彩画下書き
It is a watercolor sI tried to increase the number of petals, it is a reckless adventure for me as a beginner … Sakura is quite difficult because the color is monotonous, I would like to finish it every day without rushingketch of a flower.
Cherry blossoms, thin part decoration
桜の花 薄い部分の装飾
It is a watercolor undercoat of flowers.
I started working on the undercoat and branches of the cherry blossom petals. I have already spent 3 days because of the details
Cherry blossom petal decoration
桜の花 花びらの部分の装飾
It is a 3D representation of a watercolor painting of flowers.
The branches of the cherry blossoms will be painted soon …
Cherry blossoms, decoration of the dark parts of the petals
桜の花 花びらの濃い部分の装飾
It is a 3D representation of a watercolor painting of flowers.
The petals of the cherry blossoms are struggling because the shades are subtle.
This is the finishing touch to the watercolor painting of cherry blossoms.
It is the finish of the watercolor painting of the flower.
I couldn’t express the fine colors. .. Future issues …