How to Paint a Strawberry with Watercolors/
ここに掲載されている透明水彩画は、Anna Masonのオンラインスクールが提供する
写真を使用して制作された細密画です。Miniature painting.
The transparent watercolor paintings shown here are
miniature paintings created using photographs provided by Anna Mason’s online school.
透明水彩絵具で細密画 いちごを描いてみました。
Strawberry watercolor painting by beginners (fruit)
discover realistic watercolor beginner's class – how to paint a stunning strawberry
How to draw a strawberry watercolor painting
水彩画の筆は 000・0・1・3号を使用しました。
水彩紙は 細目を使用しました。
• バーントシエナ
• オリーブグリーン
• ペインズグレイ
• 恒久的なアリザリンクリムゾン
• 永久樹液グリーン
• car色の湖
• 透明オレンジ(代替情報)
• ウィンザーレモン
• 黄土色
How to draw strawberry watercolor. Strawberry is a monochromatic color, but the challenge is to express the brilliance. It’s a challenge to see how far you can draw glittering strawberries with watercolors. I really want to make juicy strawberries. Real, juicy and challenging 3D expression… I used her number 000, 0, 1, and 3 watercolor brushes. I used fine watercolor paper. I used watercolor pencil B. watercolors used • Burnt Sienna • olive green • Pain’s Gray • Permanent Alizarin Crimson • Permanent Sap Green • carrion lake • transparent orange (alternative information) • Windsor lemon • ocher
This is a watercolor sketch of a strawberry.
This is a strawberry watercolor draft. I drew a strawberry illustration. Strawberry illustrations can be drawn quickly without spending too much time, so it is helpful for beginners.
This is the base color for a strawberry watercolor painting.
透明水彩絵具は 透明オレンジをメインを使用しました。
It is the undercoat of the strawberry watercolor painting. I used transparent orange as the main transparent watercolor paint. I added a little to make the strawberry pink shine.
3D representation of strawberry watercolor painting
This is a 3D representation of a strawberry watercolor painting. I mainly used ocher color for the transparent watercolor paint. In particular, it may be just right for the expression of strawberries.
This is a representation of the dark parts of a strawberry watercolor painting.
This is a 3D representation of a strawberry watercolor painting. I used Alizarin Crimson as the main transparent watercolor paint. I used it for the strength of the color on the surface of the strawberry.
This is the finishing touch to the strawberry watercolor painting.
This is the finish of the strawberry watercolor painting. I used Windsor Lemon as the main transparent watercolor paint. The entire surface is lightly painted to express the unique brilliance of strawberries.