
透明水彩絵具で 果物 りんごを描いてみました

ここに掲載されている透明水彩画は、Anna Masonのオンラインスクールが提供する写真を使用して制作された細密画です。Miniature painting.

The aquarelle placed here is an image produced with the photograph which an online school of Anna Mason provides.


Let’s paint red and green apples with watercolors.

りんごは、対象の全体的なトーンを評価してフォームを作成すると同時に、慎重に処理する必要がある 2 つの色合いでパターンを作成します。最後に 3D のりんごが紙から飛び出すのは本当に感動します。ステップバイステップのチュートリアルで、すべてを説明します 。初心者が、このりんごの絵を描くのに最適です。詳細については、こちらをご覧ください。赤と緑のパターンを作る – 茶色にしないでね!Anna
Let’s draw red and green apples with watercolors. (intermediate level). Apple assesses the overall tone of the subject to create forms, while at the same time creating patterns with her two shades that need to be handled with care. The 3D apple popping out of the paper at the end is really impressive. Our step-by-step tutorial will explain everything. Perfect for beginners to draw this apple picture. Learn more about. Make a red and green pattern – don’t make it brown! Anna



水彩画の筆は 000・0・1・3号を使用
水彩紙は 細目を使用

Tools and paints used.
The difficulty in drawing an apple is to create the red and green pattern of the apple. The challenge is to express apple-likeness from the overall common color pattern. This brings the 3D representation to life. Use 000, 0, 1, 3 brushes for watercolor painting For watercolor paper, use a fine grain Use B for watercolor pencils Using transparent watercolor paint


水彩画 リンゴ


It is a watercolor draft of an apple. The apple illustration is simply an outline. My teacher said that apples are easy for beginners to draw, but it seems difficult.


水彩画 リンゴ

りんごの輪郭には、マスキング インクを使用しました。

This is the undercoat for a watercolor painting of an apple. I used masking ink for the outline of the apple. Conventionally, I don’t use any masking ink, but… I’m a beginner. I used olive green as the main transparent watercolor paint, and painted the whole apple. Used.


水彩画 リンゴ


A 3D representation of a watercolor painting of an apple. I mainly used Windsor green for the transparent watercolor paint that expresses the amount of light in the apple. I think I can draw the skin of an apple well with this. Separate the light and shadow areas.


水彩画 リンゴ


A 3D representation of a watercolor painting of an apple. I mainly used cobalt turquoise light for the transparent watercolor paint for the red part of the apple skin. This color is suitable for expressing the texture of apples, and cannot be easily expressed with other paints.


水彩画 リンゴ


It is the finish of the apple watercolor painting. Finally, there are yellow parts all over the apple, so I used sap green as the main transparent watercolor paint here. This emphasizes the juiciness of the apple.

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