How to Paint a Trees and sky with Watercolors/
ここに掲載されている透明水彩画は、Anna Masonのオンラインスクールが提供する写真を使用して制作された細密画です。Miniature painting.
The aquarelle placed here is an image produced with the photograph which an online school of Anna Mason provides.
Tree watercolor painting by beginners (tree and sky)
木と空の風景 ステップバイステップのチュートリアルでは、すべてを紹介しています。一緒に絵を描くのに最適です。
Intermediate Level
Tree and Sky Landscape
Step-by-Step tutorials show you everything – perfect for painting along. Read more about them here.植物の水彩画
How to draw a watercolor painting of trees and sky
木と空 の水彩画の書き方
水彩画の筆は 000・0・1・3・14号を使用しました。
水彩紙は 細目を使用しました。
This is my first attempt at painting landscapes in miniature. There are some difficult hurdles to overcome, but the first step is to take on the challenge. The challenge is whether we can create a worldview that is different from that of flowers and birds.I used his No. 000, 0, 1, 3, and 14 watercolor brushes.I used fine grained watercolor paper.I used transparent watercolors.I used B watercolor pencil.
Watercolor sketch of trees and sky.
木と空 の水彩画下書き
I drew an illustration of a tree and the sky.
This is the underpainting for the watercolor painting of the sky.
空 の水彩画の下塗りです。
I mainly used cobalt blue as the transparent watercolor pain
This is the coloring of the dark parts of the tree.
I mainly used green as the transparent watercolor paint.
Finishing watercolor painting of trees and sky.
木と空 の水彩画の仕上げです。
I mainly used cobalt blue as the transparent watercolor paint. Created in about 24 hours