
How to Paint a song thrush with Watercolors/art.jp.net


Draw a song thrush in watercolor





いくつかのガイダンスについては、女性のルビーの喉のハチドリのチュートリアルを試してみてください。必要な種類のペイント テクニックが提供されます。


I received some advice from my teacher. I saw a thrush egg as a tutorial and thought it would be fun to paint with it. In contrast to the bright turquoise eggs, the bird itself is much more modest. However, this does not mean that drawing is not fun or difficult. They come in subtle color variations from cream to dark brown to beige to almost black. Not to mention the detailed design. Try the female ruby-throated hummingbird tutorial for some guidance. She will provide you with the techniques to paint any type of painting you need. Have fun and happy drawing!




I used A4 size paper with fine grain. I have roughly written the song thrush.




The song thrush has a color scheme centered around Bad Sienna. I finished it with about 5-6 punches…


川辺でくつろぐ ツグミを表現することにしました。


I decided to depict a blackbird relaxing by the river. The river is expressed abstractly.




It is difficult to express the wings of a song thrush.


ウタツグミ(Japanese Bush Warbler)は、日本固有種の小さな鳥で、日本国内に分布する鳥の一つです。ウタツグミは、日本のさまざまな地域に生息し、特に森林や茂みに生息することが一般的です。

  1. 外見: ウタツグミは地味な色合いの鳥で、茶色の羽毛が特徴です。胸部には縞模様があり、顔には明るい色合いの斑点が見られることがあります。くちばしはやや長く、下向きにわずかに湾曲しています。
  2. 鳴き声: ウタツグミはその名前が示すように、美しい鳴き声で知られています。そのさえずりは、春から初夏にかけて特に顕著で、日本の山間部や森林でよく聞かれます。ウタツグミの鳴き声は、日本の自然の中で特別な存在とされており、俳句や日本の文学で詠まれることもあります。
  3. 分布: ウタツグミは日本全土に広く分布しており、本州、四国、九州、北海道などの各地域で見られます。特に森林地帯や茂みに生息し、茶園や農地の周辺にも生息することがあります。
  4. 生態: ウタツグミは主に昆虫を食べる肉食性の鳥で、葉の間や地面に隠れた昆虫を探し捕食します。彼らは草や林の中で生活し、しばしば低木や草の中に隠れることがあります。

The Japanese Bush Warbler is a small bird endemic to Japan, and is one of the birds distributed within Japan. Song thrushes live in various regions of Japan, especially in forests and bushes.

 Appearance: The song thrush is a dark-colored bird with distinctive brown plumage. The thorax has a striped pattern, and spots of a lighter shade can be seen on the face. The beak is rather long and slightly curved downward.
 Sound: As its name suggests, song thrushes are known for their beautiful calls. Their chirping is especially noticeable from spring to early summer, and can often be heard in the mountains and forests of Japan. The song of the song thrush is considered to have a special place in Japan's nature, and is sometimes written about in haiku and Japanese literature.
 Distribution: The song thrush is widely distributed throughout Japan, and can be found in areas such as Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, and Hokkaido. It is particularly found in forest areas and bushes, and can also be found around tea plantations and farmlands.
 Ecology: The song thrush is a carnivorous bird that primarily eats insects, searching for insects hidden among leaves or on the ground. They live in grass and woodlands, often hiding in shrubs and grass.

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