How to Paint a Glass with Watercolors/
ここに掲載されている透明水彩画は、Anna Masonのオンラインスクールが提供する写真を使用して制作された細密画です。Miniature painting.
The aquarelle placed here is an image produced with the photograph which an online school of Anna Mason provides.
透明水彩絵具で細密画 ガラス花瓶 を描いてみました。
Watercolor painting of glass vase drawn by beginners
How to paint a realistic glass vase of water, in watercolor with Anna Mason
I tried to draw a miniature glass vase with transparent watercolor paint.
ガラスの花瓶 Sketchbookチュートリアルは、短いガイド付き練習セッションに最適です。 詳細については、こちらをご覧ください。
ntermediate Level
Glass Vase
Sketchbook tutorials are perfect for shorter guided practice sessions. Read more about them here.
watercolor painting on glass vase
コノバランスをいかに花瓶らしさに表現することが課題です。細密画 用筆は 000・0・1・3号を使用
細密画 用紙は 細目を使用
細密画 鉛筆はBを使用
細密画 絵具は 透明水彩絵の具を使用
How to write a watercolor painting in a glass vase
It can be difficult to paint because the glass can be seen through.
Filled with water and stems, this glass vase feels very difficult to balance shades.
The challenge is how to express the conobalance in a vase-like manner. Use his 000, 0, 1, 3 brush for miniature painting
Use fine details for miniature paper
Miniature pencil uses B
Miniature paints use transparent watercolors.
A watercolor sketch of a glass vase.
A watercolor draft in a glass vase. I drew an illustration of a glass vase. I didn’t think it was necessary to draw a glass vase in detail. I think it’s good to feel that you should be able to understand only the appearance.
This is a base coat for a watercolor painting in a glass vase.
透明 水彩 絵具はペインズグレイを中心に使いました。
It’s a watercolor undercoat in a glass vase. I mainly used Paynes Gray as a transparent watercolor paint. It is a paint that is indispensable for expressing the opaque surface of glass.
A 3D representation of a watercolor painting in a glass vase.
透明 水彩 絵具はペインズグレイを中心に使いました。
A 3D representation of a glass vase watercolor painting. I mainly used Paynes Gray as a transparent watercolor paint. I will express the glass only with the shades of watercolor paint.
Undercoating the flower stem
Undercoating flower stems For the plant stem watercolors, I simply used mainly green. Pay attention to the color of the part in the water and the expression of the part that comes out of itself.
A 3D representation of a watercolor painting in a glass vase.
A 3D representation of a glass vase watercolor painting. I mainly used carmine as the transparent watercolor paint for the stagnant parts of the glass. I thought it was an indispensable paint to express the thick part of the glass bottle.
Finished watercolor painting in a glass vase.
A watercolor finish in a glass vase. I mainly used Paynes Gray as the transparent watercolor paint for the finish of the glass bottle. I added a little bit of brown paint to this to give it an overall look.